California Consumer Privacy Act

Data Rights Request
In accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), California residents have certain rights over how businesses collect, use, and process their personal information.

If you are a California resident and wish to exercise your rights under the CCPA, please select from the options below and populate fields accordingly to submit your request. The information you provide will be used to complete your request.

Need to make more than one request? Please complete a new submission form for each request.

Access or Deletion Requests
For data access or deletion requests, we'll send a confirmation email to the email address you provided. This may take up to 24 hours. Check your spam folder if you don't see it. You will have 72 hours to verify your email before your request expires. If you don't verify within the 72-hour window, you will have to submit another request.

If you are making a deletion or access request on behalf of another person, please select within the form that this request is for someone else. Proof of your authorization to act on the other person's behalf is required.

We may reach out for clarification or additional information upon receipt of your deletion or access request to ensure we properly complete your request. We will only provide detailed access reports upon successful verification of identity.

Other Requests
Direct or electronic mailing unsubscribe requests or general inquiries about recent transactions, warranties, or order status should be sent to Royal Oak Consumer Affairs team via the Contact Us form online or by calling 1-877-402-5185

For any other privacy inquiries, please contact

Tell us about your request: 
* indicates required